Friday, March 20, 2009

Useful photoshop TIP - 3

One of my favorite tools is the cloning tool. It is easy to use and allows me to take away blemishes or other elements in the picture that I wish were gone. The tool bar at the top allows you to adjust the size of the clone stamp, the percentage of the cover up, and the edge of the stamp. I suggest picking a clone stamp that has a blurry edge when working with faces and setting the percentage at about 50% so the edge of the clone isn’t a hard line. Try dragging the selected area to cover larger areas. Another trick I use can help change yellow or mis-colored teeth so they are white and beautiful. I use the lasso tool to outline the person’s teeth, go to control u, pick yellow in the drop down menu then adjust the saturation and lightness to give a beautiful smile. One last tool I use sparingly is the sharpen action under filters. I select the unsharp mask option so I can see the amount of change it will cause. It is important to use this tool carefully as it can make a picture look too pixilated and unnatural if adjusted too far.

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