Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obesity is dangerous

Overweight and obesity are among the most common health concerns in modern society, and many people fail to keep their weight under control. Obesity is connected with accumulation of fat in the body, that leads to increases of the body mass. Obesity is a result of spending less calories than it was received with the food consumed, and keeping positive energy balance in the body. In a great number of cases obesity is considered to be a serious health condition, which requires medical treatment directed on lowering the body mass.Specialists define certain stages of obesity. There are the early stages, when the body mass is about 30-50% greater than the ideal weight, and the latest stages of obesity, when the body mass is more than 80-100% greater than the ideal weight. It is possible to estimate how much overweight or obese a person is by using so called Body Mass Index (BMI).

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